Oh, and the writers just HAD to make Gino disregard the lives of his own friends later so it somehow appeared that EVERYONE was in the center! The last six episodes of this series proved how utterly pathetic the fandom's logic centers are. Screw you, Sunrise corporate! Also, Kallen never grows from being a racist ass and her 'fight' with Luciano and the Valkyries was the apex of her hypocrisy.
So life was devalued in favor of husbando money. If the opinions of people who believed in a fair middle ground instead of Charles's or Schneizel's and Lelouch's extremist views were made to light, the fandom would realize that Lelouch is also wrong and his marketability would plummet.
Monica believed that Britannia could be reformed with the right people taking the lead, and Gino's past explained in a book shows he wanted to help the Numbers but was loyal to Britannia to maintain order, and Dorothea was likely a Britannian-Number half-breed like Kallen. It clicked a few days ago why the writers would so blatantly murder the Knights.